Wednesday 11 December 2013

After Effects Promo

Throught the game you can see in previous photos i have used the colours white and yellow the reason for this is because bulmers original is yellow and they use the colour a lot within their fonts, which is why I chose to carry on using the colours in my promo.

In my promo I knew I didn't want to include anything from my app I wanted it all to be fast text because its only 14 seconds there is only so much you can include.

here are screen shots
When i was thinking of what I could say I thought of sticking with the rules of 3 that i had been using within my game as their is 3 rounds, which then made me come up with 'One App, One Game, One Prize' at first i thought of having 'One App, Three Rounds, One Prize' but I think the first one sounds better.

Though in the screen shot this obviously says 'game one' when in the movie the 'one' appears first and then game comes in after so the viewer would read it as one game.

I really like the font i chose which is Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro because it reminds me of the actual bulmers font, it stands out and is very eye catching with the yellow included. i like the font so much I'm tempted to go back and chage all the fonts within my game if i have time.

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