Monday 13 January 2014


At the beginning of this project i was instantly excited about it, I went through many ideas until I came up with my final design idea, and I'm pleased with how it came out. There are changes I would make if I had more time for example round 3, the bottles come around too fast and doesn't look good.

In my previous blog post I said about my iPhone frame being blurry I managed to fix this by rendering in a different way so I'm glad about this it makes the whole thing look much better. 

It's currently 13:22 and deadline is att 2pm I'm having problems rendering/exporting my iPad version I've done it a few times and sometimes it's too small and other times the music isn't working, hopefully I will be able to get this up on Hercules before deadline. 

creating the promo was the favourite part of the whole project I think the music goes really well with the video and it keeps within the time limit.

over all i am happy with my final work and lernt a lot of new things within after effects. 

I just went back through to give my videos a final look over and I found that my music cuts out half way through on the iPhone I don't have time to change it because I will go over deadline but it works in the iPad version. 

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