Friday 7 February 2014

Final Space Cereal Box - Space

I am really really pleased with how my first design has turned out, Ive added a stary background to give a better effect of space and i think it looks really good! I also created a 3d box which i then rotated everything to give the effect its on a cereal box, i made the box white because thats the colour which bear use for their cereal box with the design on the back leaving a white boarder to show it won't cover the whole thing. 

I noticed on the side of the bear box they have boxes of colour with writing and also the bear logo on the side so I added the same to give a better visual feel for it. 

I also added a message for the kids about a mission, i mentioned that the first task was to find the instructions inside the box that way i didn't have to put any on the back because there wouldn't be enough room for that. 

I am very happy with my finale piece and I'm hoping my next two will turn out something like this. 

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