Friday 7 February 2014

Things I have created - Space

These are some of the creations I have made for the space themed cereal box

1. the moon, I did try and create a moon through illustrator but it didn't look realistic so I've drew a circle and took a high quality image from google to make this image, I added the glow which I think improves the moon and works well on a black background.  link from original moon image: 
2. I thought an astronaut would add some fun to the page, a lot of young kids look up to astronauts also it goes perfect with the space theme, When I place this on the finale piece it will be standing on the moon. Which will look good and add humour as the moon will be small in comparison. 

3. the alien was a must when designing the space page, I probably could have drawn it in more depth but I think it suits the art style bear have. And i also think the target audience will appreciate it and will be able to tell it is an alien.  

I drew out a really really simple rocket because again i think it goes with the art style of bear company, I might change the colour as it looks a little pink and i want it to all be aimed at both genders. 

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