Wednesday 26 February 2014

University Brief

The Brief
You have been commissioned to deliver either an ident package or a programme package, including title sequence, for Latest TV.  This can be any combination of moving image, animation and motion graphics. 

You will either be allocated a programme or the station idents, and the Latest TV team are generating a written brief for each of these.  The Latest TV briefs contain the contact information for the people responsible for your programme or the station branding, who will be your client for this project.  You need to liaise closely with them throughout the process, just as you would if you were a professional digital designer.  Because you need to ensure your ideas and your work in progress are meeting the needs and expectations of your client, you need to arrange meetings and deadline points, and send or show them work digitally for discussion.  This process replaces the usual pitch to the group, but it is a requirement of this assignment that you pitch to your client and record that process in your blog. 

You need to create your TV Idents and Programme Packages at 1080p.  Latest TV may supply you with music for your package, but this will not be ready for all.  They are likely to commission original music for programme and ident packages that they intend to use, but you should create a basic copyright clear sound track consisting of any combination of music, sound effects and rhythm track.  You need to submit one version of your work with the sound and one without.  You will also need to make your working files available to the Latest team, to enable them to make changes after this project is finished.  Remember that all media that are linking into your video editing and motion graphics need to be included with the working files, making it too big to upload to Hercules, so the working files should be collated onto a hard drive on deadline day. 

Sketchbooks and Blogs
You are required to keep a sketchbook/visual diary to record the generation of ideas and the progress, development and evolution of your project
In addition you should complete a progress blog to hold ideas, techniques and examples of any contextual references (art and design styles) that you have researched, together with links to media sources used for inspiration.  You should also blog about your communication with the client. 

Deadlines and Key Dates
Crit: Monday 24th March
Final Submission:  Wednesday 26th March 

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