Monday 17 March 2014

Follow up from previous post - Sting 3

Advanced 3D (Effect) Light Rays 

In the screen shot above you can see what i have created, I haven't finished so far because I'm not certain on the background colour, the grey and I feel like the lights are either shining through too much or not enough.

I also am having trouble with the camera and getting it to zoom in and move the way I want. But because its taking longer than I thought I am going to leave it and finish the opening and closing titles. If i have more time in the end I will then come back and finish this.

I have added a sound effect and a slight zoom but I'm still not 100% happy with this, a lot of people i have shown it too think it's good but the background colour & the amount of light that comes through concerns me, i think it looks a little bit to 'heavenly/in the clouds'

I created this by following the steps on video co pilot I found it pretty simple to follow through but i had to change a couple things, for example instead of using text I used the latest homes live image and came across a little trouble getting the red to show through but I overcame this by duplicating the image so one was on top of most layers. 

I also had to choose a different colour light source/background because a lot clashed with the red i've kept it white / grey for now but I could still easily change it, if Latest Tv decides they want a different colour.

Here are some screen shots

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