Wednesday 6 November 2013

Update 6/11/13 / conclusion

Since I got the feedback from crit I have made some changes. First included a simple background which i drew in illustrator to set the scene and I'm really pleased with it, I think it works well with the theme. another change i made was making the girl zoom in at the beginning so you can see her unlocking the phone better, though her eyes rotate a bit which isn't what i intended for them to do. When i got the feedback to include the red dots, I did give it another go to include them onto the earth spinning but I personally don't think it looked good enough or what i wanted it to look like also i don't think the audience would've understood either so i chose to leave it as is. At the end of the animation i wanted the girl to look up from her phone then look left to right and switch off the phone but i didn't the space to include that which I'm upset about though i think the message come across.

I added the music Save The World by Sweedish House Mafia the 30 seconds included really works with the whole theme of the project as it states 'so who's gunna save the world tonight' which i really liked though this music isn't dramatic or sad which is how some people might think it should be i chose this because it goes with the target audience i wanted to reach too.

The animation turned out pretty much how i thought it would, though i didn't intend to have so much text included though i don't mind. I think the girl would look better if she was 3D as she looks really flat but as it is a 2D design project it works.

During this project it was the first time I have used After Effects I found some things easier to do than others for example text was simple and fast to do where as getting certain things like the girl for example to work or move was a little tricky. My favourite tool is the the puppet tool I only used it for a small movement in the girl's thumb at the begining to give the effect shes clicking her phone button but i thought it was a handy tool to use. I enjoyed making the globe i thought it was really easy once you know how to do it.

I enjoyed working on this project and i will take the skills i learnt in After Effects and put them to use in future projects.

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