Wednesday 11 December 2013

After Effects //3

Game round 2 -

I enjoyed making this game the most out of all three rounds. I think the yellow background works well and the wooden stands look good. I wanted to include the bulmers logo into the page some how because though you can see them on the bottles it wasn't very big, but their wasn't much room to add one big logo so i thought of putting the logo repeatedly at the bottom of each stand and i like the effect it has.

you can see the fruit at the top they're the things the user throws at the bottles.
The apple which is rotated on its on is their for a reason, its because that is the next fruit to be used the user would click on this which then brings it to the bottom of the screen. It works in a sling shot type way, so the user would draw their finger back on the screen holding the fruit, let go and it pings at the bottles.

I thought the page might look a bit cluttered if their was knocked over bottles and fruit all over the place so i decided when they fell over I would turn the opacity down and fade them out, I like it it came out because it cleared up the room and the user knows exactly what is left.

Again in the last image i pasted the 'pass' onto the end of the game.

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