Monday 13 January 2014

about bear

BEAR’s story starts from a simple need to make being
healthy a little bit easier and a whole lot tastier.
As a personal trainer, Hayley was constantly confronted
with people growling about punishing diets and hard
exercise regimes.
She searched the world for a healthy alternative and
named her company BEAR, after she saw an article
published in January 2009 about bears in the wild.
The story sounded so familiar to the people she
kept on meeting.
The article studied bears that had grown up in the
wilderness and bears that had drifted into cities to
forage. The city slickers got most of their food from
bins behind fast food joints and the like.
This made them 30% fatter than their wild bear friends.
They were also 30% less active and sadly all the city
bears were also dead by the age of 10, whilst over 60%
of the wild bears made it past this age.

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