Monday 13 January 2014

art style on bear

These are some screen shots from the bear website and also some photos i found off google, I am gathering images to get an idea of what their art style is like and to see if I can get inspired by any of their already in use art style and typography. 

Looking at the images it is clear the cerial is aimed for a child, they've made it fun by using a range of colours. The drawings are very simple, the bear is a brown silloet with no face. I dont like where the 'bear' logo is placed on the image of the bear because it looks odd. 

In the second image the cerial box is just white, this might be to save money on colour, but it looks boring and bland the bear looks out of place.

This art style would be really easy to draw on illustrator using the paint brush, very simple and fast. I think I would be okay with using this drawing technique because it doesnt have to look perfect.  

I said previously how i didn't like the white background on the cereal box because i thought it was a bit to bland. looking at the other products they make it looks like they do this a lot but with different products, I prefer the colour backgrounds because it looks more fun, the yellow one for example looks fun and stands out the most in comparison to the other products. 

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