Monday 20 January 2014


I have had a couple ideas on the cereal box which I am going to create, the first idea was simply to have big letters of the alphabet on the back of the box which would have games within the letter once the user had finished they would pop out the letter and have it standing the aim is to have the user build up a collection and to make a word out of the letters they create.

the second idea was still going with the pop out theme but instead would be a game that requires two players. Their would be 2 or 4 letters on the back of the box the players would pop them open without looking at the back of the cards. One player picks up the card places in front of four head whilst the other player acts out what word is on the card if the player holding the card guesses correctly they gain a point. 

this idea sounds complicated but is very simple! The kids would look forward to collecting more boxes because it would have the same games different words and letters. On the box their would also be a talley chart which would caluclate who is winning or loosing. 

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