Friday 7 February 2014


When approaching Crit I was still deciding on how I wanted the layout of my design to be, I had an all white background for the reason that the back of the cereal box is white though i didn't like this so I wanted the class to give me some feedback on that, kate said that i didn't have much work though over all i have created quite a bit i can see where she was coming from but i wasn't that set back on this because i knew it wouldn't take long to create more vectors. 

On all three of the cereal boxes theres a pink rectangular square with dashes around it, I said they wasn't going to stay pink they was only pink for the time being, the big letter on the card represents the theme of the cereal for example 'S' stands for Space and on the back of the card would be words related to space, 'O' stands for Ocean and A stands for Animal.  

The dashes around the pink rectangle was supposed to indicate the fact it was perforated line so the user could pop the cards out and play the game though I said this was my idea in pitch and it was fine then suddenly it wasn't okay when in the crit which was a bit frustrating. Though someone in the class said about having the cards inside the box which wasn't a bad idea and it would make room on the box for a little instruction to what the design is about. 

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