Friday 7 February 2014

Things I have created - Ocean

1. On the background of the cereal box i will have the ocean with all the under water animals under the sea, i will place the boat on the top and have a scuba diver just under it. The boat is really simple but i like it because it goes with the rest of my art style. 
2. i thought the octopus would be something nice to add, i like the pink because a lot of my colour choices haven't been very girly because I've been trying to keep it for both genders but i think it really works with this colour.

 3. The sea horse was a spontaneous idea because i thought it would be something fun to add, i like the colours i chose and i think it looks good. 

4. i wanted the fish to look a bit different so i created it so it was front on, i will probably create another one so you can see the fish from the side view but i think this one looks funny and the target audience will like it, the eyes in this photo look a bit odd because it has no line around it but once its got the background against it, it will look okay, 

when i was choosing the colour i decided to go gradient and i tank it works really well! I might consider changing some colours from my previous vectors to make them gradient as well. 

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