Saturday 8 February 2014

Evaluation Of My Bear Designs.

I am explaining the idea of the game concept so people understand.

---the kid has the space cereal box----

theres 10 cards in a pack
they will take it in 5 goes each
the first player will pick up a card without looking hold it above their four head
the second player will act out what word is on the card.

the game sounds pretty complicated but heres a video where to girls are playing the same game but a different theme to show how it works.

I have thoroughly enjoyed this project, Though at the beginning i got off to a slow start because i wasn't set on a design It all came together in the end and I'm pretty pleased with the outcome.

I like that this is a live/competition project that is going to be judged by people who work in the industry, though i don't think i would be so lucky, as proud as i am of the work i've done and how much I've tried to stick with the art style bear already has, i don't think my work up to the standards of what the 'bear nibbles' company are looking for. I am happy i chose the Bear brief because i think out of all the briefs there this was one i knew i could do the best at.

I am most proud of my ocean and space cereal back covers i think they are fun and eye catching. It was fun drawing all the different vectors in illustrator and i picked up some new tips on how to do things easier or things i didn't know how to do at all along the way.

If I had more time on this project I would probably change the background of the animals one  because i think it could work better being in a field and i would change some of the animals too..

I tried my hardest throughout this project and pushed myself to make the final piece look good and thats all I can do.

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