Sunday 23 March 2014

Working on Opening sequence - software problems

My plan was too originally edit together the opening and closing sequence in Final Cut Pro but i've had problems with it, I'm not sure exactly why it was playing up but it was very slow, when I imported footage it would rename all the footage to 'sequence one' also when i tried several times to place the footage on the time line it wouldn't work. 

here is a screen shot 

So instead of wasting time chose to edit my footage on iMovie, iMovie is the only other movie editing software i have on my computer it is going well and does what i need for this project, the only thing thats worrying me is that you cant save the file out as a working file so I'm not sure what i am going to do for hand in, I will either find a solution or try again with final cut pro, i don't think it would take long to re-create it as i know what footage i need. But I will ask Jim when i see him in class. 

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