Thursday 1 May 2014

Self Promotion

I have been thinking a lot about self promotion and I've decided I want to brand myself, by doing this I have to choose colours, fonts and such which would be repetitive around all of my platforms for example YouTube, My Website, Business Cards etc.

The Colours: 
#AEE6FB - this is a really soft light blue colour, I really like it and I think it will work perfectly for everything I need to create a brand, I will be using this colour for the background / text 

#FFFFFF - I  will also be using white for the background / text and swap the colours to which ever i think works best. 

Font One:

This font is called Billabong, I really like the instagram font and this is a close one to that. 

Link :

Font Two: 

This font is called Simplicity, I really like it i think it works well with billabong because they're both complete opposites and not take the attention away front one another. 


I have been playing around with the fonts in illustrator to see what i could come up with and here are my favourites.



i will keep playing around with these but i think they will work really well for my business cards and website. 

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