Wednesday 26 March 2014


I started off by working on the stings, Originally I created a piece in illustrator which included a couple houses a for sale sign flying down from the sky and then the logo appearing at the end though i didn't like this at all, it looked too much like my pervious work, I think it looked childish and not very good as a sting. (even though I'm not using this I uploaded this to the server so you can see what I'm talking about)

The next set of stings that i created where very different i got my inspiration from different intro videos that i had seen across youtube and this really helped me create my new theme. I only had 2-3 seconds to work with so i thought working in after effects would be easier than using film. I really like how my next load of stings came out i think they are fast and almost sleek.

The section stings weren't hard to do because once i created one I knew they had to look exactly the same so all i had to do was change the title. I chose to used a red background which is the same colour as latest tv and I think it works well, the font is plain white and stands out that way. I think they work well as section stings.

When starting this project I knew what direction I wanted my opening title to go in, I wanted it to be fast with quick cuts to an upbeat song, though when I got sent the music it was very slow and didn't fit with the theme that I wanted to go in.

When going out to find the footage I found it pretty difficult because I didn't have a car, I was walking around Brighton with my camera and tripod. & because I'm not from Brighton I wasn't sure on the best places to go, I made sure I went on a sunny day because Latest TV suggested I did and I'm disappointed that i could find any for sale signs when filming. i tried to get some good shots of a couple streets in Brighton I also tired to get some shots of the general life around brighton for example the beach, people walking down the sea front and i think i catered this quite well.

When editing the closing title I didn't know really what direction i wanted it go in, I chose to do two different versions, The first version i created was pretty much the same as the opening title using the same footage but with credits scrolling up and a sting at the end though i didn't like this, i thought it was too similar. This is when i chose to create a second one with a red background the same as my section stings, the credits go up and then a twitter promo comes up at the end.

In conclusion I enjoyed creating the branded/section stings and the section stings I think thats where my best work is for his project, though if I had more time I would change the some of the sound effects that I used because some of them for example the zoom and the heartbeat don't sound very good.

I think there are elements of my opening sequence which is good and well filmed but then there is other parts which could have been improved i think if final cut pro had been working it would have looked better than editing in iMovie because i could have maybe some some better effects. I think the second closing title I created with the red background was okay though the timing a little off so that could be improved.

The project experience has been a good learning curve for me, working for a client was an experience because I know now how frustrating it is when they don't get back to you and you're struggling to meet a deadline, and at the same time it's hard to keep them up to date because you're trying to work as fast as possible.

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