Tuesday 25 March 2014

final piece's

Branded Stings

1. I like how I created the house to zoom out from a red screen, i think it works really well. Then the latest homes logo appearing afterwards with the sound effect, Its quick and does the job.                

2. I've tried to go with the same theme of the logo appearing on the screen, I think its very fast but because i only had 2-3 seconds to work with it works well. 

3. This is the changed version from feedback sting I really lit and think it works without the pulsing effect it gives the viewer more time to read what it says. 

4. This sting is one of my favourites I think it looks really cool though it was one of the most complicated to create I think it came out well, again the sound effect isn't that good but could easily be changed if latest decide they want it. 

5. this is the sting with the pulse in the middle, I don't like the sound effect that much i think if latest bought a version then it could work better than a free version. 

This is the same but with a black background i was going to right it off but Val said she liked the black background, though i think it looks better with the red behind instead. 

Section Stings.

13 section stings, all exactly the same but with a different title the font I used is called Passion One which is a free font from http://www.1001freefonts.com/passion_one.font i like the font because its clear bold and readable. 

opening sequence

I'm not really happy with the outcome of my opening title. i think it could have been better if i had better footage to work with and if Latest TV sent me footage not images it would have looked better. Also the music, i wasted the music to be fast, upbeat with quick cuts that go with the beat but the music i got sent didn't allow me to this is as it was very slow. I created a second version with different fonts to see which works better.  

closing sequence

I created two different versions for the closing sequence, I like the first one better than the second one because i think the second one is too much like the opening sequence, I like that I have included their twitter username with the hashtag latest homes at the end because i think most people would use this though now thinking about it i probably should have put it in the opening title. 

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